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Academic Studies

Weatherstripped Old Windows With Storms Rival the Energy Efficiency of New Windows and Are Far More Cost Effective

1. Study done right here in Chicago in 2005, using some bungalows on the South side. This primarily looked at the value of low-e storm windows vs. storms with clear glass. But retaining the old windows and adding storms shows remarkable cost-effectiveness and energy savings. Also, low-e storms show dramatic improvement in energy savings over clear glass.

2. Measured Performance of Storm Windows – A rigorous scientific test of the performance of old, leaky windows with storms added as compared to new replacement windows, done by the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, showing minimal added energy savings by doing full replacement.

3. The Forgotten Market – A short 2-page article from “International Glass Review” magazine indicating the cost effectiveness of applying storm windows rather than going to window replacement. Includes additional references.

4. Storm Windows Save Energy – Researchers at Oak Ridge National Laboratory demonstrate the significant energy savings that can be obtained with storm windows.

5. Creating Windows of Energy Saving Opportunity – A field study in Vermont indicates minimal difference in energy performance between old windows weatherstripped and fitted with storms, vs. full window replacement.

6. Weatherization Tips and Strategies – This consumer-based article from NTHP is not unbiased, but it does make some convincing arguments for people who aren’t big on heavy reading

7.  Should your old Wood Windows Be Saved? –  This in-depth feature article in Fine Homebuilding (May 2010), says yes.  It is remarkable that they risked angering their advertising base of large “replacement” window companies to run this article.

8.  The Right Thing: Restore or Replace Historic Windows? –  This technical article by noted architect Walter Sedovic, published in “Traditional Building” magazine, lays out some of the myths perpetuated by the “replacement” window industry- and how they have become embedded in our collective consciousness.